Comic Cred: The Oatmeal
The comic above is humorous, but there's a lot of truth to it. In the last few weeks when trying to describe what it means to be a Social Media Manager to my peers-- mostly...
In light of the holiday, I thought it appropriate to take the time to express how overwhelmingly thankful I am. Of course I am grateful for my family, friends, and health. But beyond that, I'm appreciative...
I swore I would be better than this. I swore I would not give in and write about Kim Kardashian. Ever.
But the stunt pulled yesterday forced me to give in and weigh an opinion on the matter.
One thing...
I'm an avid follower of Sean Gardner, author of The Road to Social Media Success, and I wanted to share an infographic that he tweeted this morning. It's pretty self explanatory about the way office...
As a social marketing professional, I learn from past successes, work to be effective with current tools, and anticipate engaging with newer audiences.
An infographic was released today on Generation Z by Marketo, exploring their aspirations, preferences, online behaviors and how companies can reach...
Back in 2011, Google's social network Google+ launched. In addition to the network, they initiated an "Authorship" feature, which seemed to tie to Google+ as a ranking signal assistant to social media...
Pardon me for not even getting three weeks into my blogging before falling off the face of the earth this last week. I've been hit with the whirlwind called Life,visiting family in NYC and moving into...
Maybe it was hearing news of the late Robin Williams' passing, or the countless photos I saw on my Instagram feed in honor of World Suicide Prevention Day last Wednesday, but the topic of emotional...
Without thinking twice you can tell me what color is used for the Target logo or McDonald's infamous arches. These are just two examples of companies/brands that strategically use color to appeal to customers.
So, it's been a while since I've posted...sorry about that! I took a hiatus once classes ended, enjoyed sleeping in and playing with my pup, Tobias. But now that fall is here (Happy belated Labor Day,...
This week we learned the importance of analyzing a marketing campaign. The idea of tying social media to conversions and isolating social referrals may seem like a daunting task, but they're an integral...
This week we covered reputation management and the "online identity" of a brand. Reviews and social comments are a lasting and influential representation of a company, product, or service. Positive and...
CosmoProf North America is a three-day exhibition for beauty industry professionals. The business to business trade show is held annually and is focused on distributors, manufacturers,...
I'm an event planner turned social media-er. My desk is riddled with sticky notes.
This blog is following me as I pursue my M.A. in Mass Communications, specializing in Social Media. I do not claim credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted.