Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Social Marketing to Generation Z

As a social marketing professional, I learn from past successes, work to be effective with current tools, and anticipate engaging with newer audiences.

An infographic was released today on Generation Z by Marketo, exploring their aspirations, preferences, online behaviors and how companies can reach them.

GenZers were raised during the 2000s, amidst the most profound changes in at least a century, and will represent more than a quarter of the U.S. population.

So what are some Key(s) to Success in Reaching a GenZer?
  • Connectivity of social media: They're learning from YouTube videos, engaging with classmates online, and grew up in a world in which one could be in conversation with anyone anywhere any time.
  • Be fast moving and discreet: They have an average of 8 seconds for an attention span, 5 screens competing for their attention, and a preference for incognito media platforms. (I had never heard of Whisper or Secret...but perhaps that's the point?) The takeaway: Use visuals rather than text!
  • Educate and build expertise: They're entrepreneurial at heart, mature, self-directed, and resourceful. High intensity working relationships allow for human connection, and they're less likely to resist authority under teaching-style leadership. Feeding their curiosity is a MUST.
One thing is for sure - Gen Z is part of a generation that is global, social, visual and technological. They're sophisticated and influential beyond their years. It'll be interesting to see social marketing professionals shift strategies to communicate and market to them. It makes me look forward to the future, almost as much as they do.


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