This week we discussed trust in the social sphere. And just like relationships in real life, trust and credibility are two critical components of a successful relationship online. The question is: how...
Whisper, formerly known as WhisperText, is an application that launched in March 2012, claiming to be “the first completely anonymous social media network.” The features of the app include the capability...
I brought the Gator Nation to the Grand Canyon!
Hi, I'm Tiffani Stephenson! This is my second semester in the MASM program (I took a break during the fall). I grew up in New Jersey and moved to Orlando...
I'm an event planner turned social media-er. My desk is riddled with sticky notes.
This blog is following me as I pursue my M.A. in Mass Communications, specializing in Social Media. I do not claim credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted.